2024 Rotary Year End Awards
Officers and Board Members (LtR)
Jason Sanders, Rocky Blair, Jaime Corona, Grayden Rochelle, Kristin Searcy, Jennifer Royo.
Not pictured: Rodolfo Lobera, Freddy Frederick, Ralph Brock, Alton Frailey, Chris Garcia
Past Presidents for Katy Rotary (LtR)
Jaime Corona, Nick Schrader, Kellie Sissom, Carol Levin, Stu Levin, Paul Kurt, Rocky Blair, Scotty Jung.
Not pictured: Rhonda Walls Kerby, Skip Conner, Ralph Brock, Malcom Junior, David Loesch, Jeff Thompson, Chris Garcia, Jim Jacobs, David Frishman
David Frishman - Polo Chair
Sheree LeBlanc - Social Chair
Beverly Yeiter - Rotary Foundation Chair
Vicki Rao - Special Appreciation to the Club
Katie Curran - Membership Chair
Jennifer Royo - Board Director
Jason Sanders - Treasurer
Graydon Rochelle - President Elect
Rocky Blair - Immediate Past President
Katie Curran - New Rotarian of the Year

Kellie Conner Sissom - Rotarian of the Year

These three young ladies grew up in Katy, attended Katy Elementary, Junior High and High School. They now give back to their community by being a Rotarian!!
Katie Curran - New Rotarian of the Year
Kellie Conner Sissom - Rotarian of the Year
Vicki Rao - Special Appreciation